Wednesday, 11 February 2009

they say never look back

But i can't help it. My friends have all dissapeared. I am alone pretty much everyday my dad works and my lazy arse brother sleeps all day. my mum works nights so is asleep in the day i am really hating life right now. they always say there's someone worse off then you but right now doesn't feel like it. Songs that i used to dance to keep comig on and it really upsets me cos i think about when i used to go out clubbing all the time and now i hardly leave the house cos of these stupid lungs. I can't walk round anywhere anymore just feel useless. So much needs to be done in the house i need to sort all my comp desk out as it's just full of crap and i have loads of washing to do but can't go and get it cos just feel tired all the time. i dunno anymore I sort of wish i was back in hopsital cos i got help like even tho the food was shite it was cooke for me and i didn't have to worry bout fannying around cooking but now i'm back home i have all that to worry about again. I haven't eaten anything today cos i'm so exhausted and just don't wanna move and i can't rely just on my night feeds either. ARGH! why is life so unfair i can't stop crying. my phone hardly ever bleeps anymore the only people that text me are my family :(


Tori said...

Jo babes everyone goes through periods of feeling the way you are. I had a time where I felt like I was loosing myself and turning into this boring one dimensional person who no one wanted to know.

Have you tried wearing your oxygen when you cook or clean it might help!! As for the feeds when you start on them it takes a while for your stomach to adjust and soon you'll get your hunger back.

I know you might not believe me when I say this but when I was at your weight I felt crappy all the time and really down but once I started to put on the pounds I generally started to feel better and my outlook got a bit rosier. More weight on your body helps your lungs and you might find yourself with more energy!! :)

Me said...

Have you tried applying for direct payments? You can hire someone to help look after you, take you out, do your washing etc. It sounds like its what you need to get out and about abit!