Tuesday, 6 January 2009

happy as can be

Today i've been feeling really happy. My chest has been good so been more awake and alert. Today i received a email from Asda as i had complained about the till aisle's and the trolley men. The lady was very nice and explained that she had spoke to the manager of the store and that if i have anymore problems to contact her again. She then asked for my address so that she could send me a gesture of goodwill which i thought was really nice. I did explain that i don't normaly have problems there so was very dissapointed when i did have.

a couple of my brothers presents are on there way which is cool. I cooked my dad and brother dinner tonight thought it would make a nice change for my dad as he comes home has a shower then does dinner. mostly cos i have been to tired and my brother is a rubbish cook lol.
My dad also picked up my repeat prescription which i was nt happy about as they had forgot to put megace on it. The first thing i had asked fr was that as i knew i was nearly out. So i rang them and explained it all the lady said you need to do another repeat prescription again which means you have to wait 48hrs for it :( So i just said to her it is kinda urgent and asked if my GP was avaviable to ask for it. He isn't in till tomoz thought so the lady went and found another doctor. She said i can collect it tomoz which is cool cos then me and my dad will go boots and get are meds and then i said i'd buy a mcdonalds for dinner hehe mmmm! apple pie :P

well kittens i am going to go for a nice hot bubble bath. xx


Tori said...

I like hearing you sound cheery it's lovely!!! Mind over matter :)

Me said...

I bet Asda crapped themselves when they got your letter, they don't want to be labelled as discriminating against people with disabilities!
Glad you feeling better, I think gp's and repeat prescriptions were made to make ours lives even more complicated!