ARGH!!!!! i'm having such a rubbish time in 2009 so far. My lovely chest has decided it wants to start misbehaving and cause me grief. walking to the kitchen is abit of a chore at the moment so is cooking and getting dressed yep i have a chest infection again. and i am also struggling to eat cos i feel so pants. so am taking 3 megace tablets. I am so having a NG tube if they can keep it in for 2 weeks at a time don't care bout it being visable.
Went to Asda today with my dad and went in my wheelchair. We couldn't find a trolley that attachs to the chairs so went and asked the 3 trolley men that were standing around doing nothing. There reply was "ERM I DUNNO, THINK THE LAST ONE IS BEING USED" then another one said "NAH I PUT SOME UP THE OTHER END OF THE STORE" then they just stood there staring??? No offers of getting us one so me being erm me lol I got angry at them lol I said bloody useless twats!!! then my dad turned round and said to them yeah thanks for your useless help! idiots i tell ya! so off to the end of the shop we went outside aswell this was. It was bloody freezing! We got one eventually and as we went back to the entrance the 3 trolley boys were play fighting with eachother which made me even angerier! After we had done our shop we went to the till now we have never had trouble getting the wheelchair and the trolley through the isle before but today it just wouldn't fit have the till isle's shrunk? they must of done so yes this kicked me off again and my dad had to push me right round all the tills to the end to get through to the end of our till I felt like a right useless cow! stupid lungs if only they'd work and i wouldn't have to be such a hassle! ARGH!!!! My dad never complains though but i feel guilty cos it's just such a hassle for him. Saying that i feel like a burden to everyone in my family i hate it. nobody complains about helping me but i dunno i just feel so guilty for them doing it. I emailed asda though complaining. Why can't 2009 just be a nice year for me argh!!! i'm stressed about getting on the transplant list but the weight just ain't going on so yet again i have to wait til the end of jan for this bloody NG tube then gotta get the weight on fuck sake it's just so hard ARGH!!! why can't they just take me for the weight i am now God i wanna curl up into a ball and cry. CF is shit fucking shit. *excuse my language i'm just so fedup*
my mum really believes i'm going to get some new lungs this year but i don't share her positive spirit cos i feel so crap and am trying and it's just not going!
Complaint Letter to Revolution Bar
11 years ago
you know they can't put you on the list until you have more weight on you Jo because you would be too weak for the operation, don't want you leaving us just cos a few kg! You will put the weight on with the feeds, i's just a waiting game I guess!
As for Asda, they deserve a good telling off! Do they not have special wide aisles for wheelchairs? Good on you for getting out and about though xx
Jo I went through this as well before I started NG feeding aswell it was during a period when I could hardly do anything and I seriously thought it was only a matter of time before I wasn't here anymore, it truely was the darkest period I've had in my life, I felt like friends had abandoned me and like you I was a burden on my loved ones. But once I opened my mind to NG again (which you have now) and I started feeding the weight started to pile on and I felt physically and mentally better for it. Put your all into the NG feeding and everything else should come with it xx
thanks girls I am feeling better today think just asda being bumholes had set me off!
fearat or whateva don't preach god or stuff like that to me please i don't believe in him thanks!
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