Sunday, 15 March 2009

I can't get my bum in them......

hahahaha as the title says i bought 3 pairs of jeans from Goerge at asda now let me explain a while back i bought a size 8 pair but they were huge and like clown trousers so i have guessed that the trousers come up really big so i bought 2 size 4 pairs and a size 6 anyway. Yesterday i Got into one pair of size 4's and they fitted okish but i couldn't do the bottom up hahaha so i shall sort that by adjusting the waist line i'm clever at things like this :P. and today i tried the other size 4 pair on and i couldn't get them over my bum hahahahaha i couldn't stop laughing. so i then popped my size 6's on and they are fab there tight but not to tight and there very long aswell which i lurve hehe. I've been eating really well since i got home and also had a 900ml feed last night and it went through no probs tuesday i shall be upping it to 1000mls eeek! lol anyway that's all for now gonna go have a hot bubble bath and then do physio and nebs xxx


Tinypoppet said...

Really chuffed for you Jo....keep going! :) xx

Me said...

soon you'll be in the size 10 jeans like me, a big fattie :o)