Sunday, 3 May 2009

new car

Me and my dad went to look at wardbrobes the other day and he said would i like a new car. Now as some of you know i don't drive but in 2007 i bought myself a little red polo to learn in as i was going to start lessons. But my health got bad so i couldn't carry on learning. So that was put on hold but i decided i wanted to keep my car as it wasn't costing me much and my dad could use it when it was raining etc (his car doesn't like the rain it wheel spins and is expesive to run petrol wise lol) So he government have this new scrapping scheme coming in on the 18th of may so we went and looked at cars and he was keen on a hyundai i10 i had no idea what one looked like so he went to show me one and i really liked it. He said would you like it then and i was taken back saying no it's to much money etc. and he mentioned the government scheme saying that if i scrap my old car they'll give me 2 grand towards a new one. So i met all the criteria for that i had to be the registered keeper which i am and i have had to have owned the car for 2 years or more which again i have and also the car had to be a certain age which my car is a good 12 years old. so it took 2 grand off the brand new car and my dad payed the rest towards it. I can't wait to get it it's black so am naming it black betty. i get to choose the number plate i want as it's brand new which will be cool. and after my tx i can learn to drive and drive black betty hehe! until then my dad will drive her and his car. :)

Have be carrying on with my cake diet lol all is going well i look a good four months pregnant hahaha my size 8 jeans don't fit me on my hips now argh! it's annoying so need to work out what to do about them maybe i'll cut them down the waist band to make them a bit looser!.

I am nearly finished my 4th twlight book i was going to read it slowly but so much was going on and i couldn't put it down cos i wanted to know what was happening lol i am really enjoying it though hehe. can't really say much about it cos it will ruin it for those who haven't read it yet.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

What a lovely car. Lets hope you can drive it really soon.