Saturday, 22 November 2008

From me to you. <3

It was Toria's funeral yesterday but cos i haven't been very well and there was a risk of cross infection So it was best i didn't go. I decided as a way of remembering toria and saying goodbye i would release a ballon with a note attached. I decided that dunstable downs was the best place as it is high up and windy.

So me and my mum went clintons Ian (my mum's fiancee waited in the car for us) i was going to get a piglet 1 but my mum then pointed out the me to you bear and i thought this was so much better then piglet. So we got one and as i got in the car with it it had started to leak helium :( i was a bit upset my mum took it back to the shop and returned with a nice new one i was chuffed :).

We then drove to dunstable downs. When we got there my mum said it's going to blow behind us and not out over the hills which is what i wanted it to do. so we walked up the path a little way and we both were worried that when i released it it would bounce along the ground and not go up. I let it go and it floated up into the sky it was so lovely to watch as it was going so high up after about 10mins it had dissappeared into the clouds ready for toria to catch it. It made me feel so sad and so happy at the same time i was sad cos i miss her so much and wish she was still here today. But i was happy that i could do something to say goodbye in my own way. I think it's prob still out there somewhere floating about :)

RIP toria i'll remember you forever xxxx

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