Thursday, 6 November 2008

the good and the bad!

Hello :) I had clinic today as i was mid ivs it was decided that i should ahve my meroepneum changed to tazocin as mero wasn't working so am on tazocin and colomycin iv's. gotta go back next week. my weight has gon from 46kgs to 46.5kgs which is good considering i've been really bad and pretty much living off my supplements lol. the dieticain said to continue that if it's all i can manage at the moment. It's not that i'm not hungry it's just i'm to tired to get up and cook or prepare something so supplements are much easier just grab one and drink lol althought have had to use scandi shakes as have run out of fortisip :( gotta pick my prescription up tomoz.

I also dicussed going to Toria's funeral. They said it's my decision but if there is alot of people with CF going at this time with my chest being bad and me trying to get my weight up so i can be assesed for transplant that it would be a big risk and could make me ill again also with the whole emotional side of it to. i know Toria would understand and be happier if i kept myself well and was able to get on the transplant list. I did feel bad about not going but i do know it could be risky and could even jeopordise the chances of me getting on the list if i catch something bad. plus i'm fighting a tough infection at the moment that seems to be a sttubborn bugger but never fear i will win the war lol!

I have got halfway through my xmas shopping now bought my mum some presents today and have got all my brothers and ordeered my dad's presents today so should be here sometime next week or even tomoz or saturday. Also ordered my mum's fiancee a present. i'm pretty stuck on what else to get my mum tho lol.

I'm going shopping again with my mum tomoz to finish getting some stuff for my dad. :)


Me said...

christmas shopping? oh dear, ive not even started thinking about it! Have you had Tazocin before? make sure you take your temp if you feel ill from it as it gave me a temp and I had to come off it! Thanks for your post, Guinness was 22 when he died, only 1 year younger than me!
If I lived locally I don't think I would go to Toria's funeral because of the risk of cross infection. I think you would be making the right decision, i don't think she would want you to jepordise your health. She's probably up there lauhing at all the fuss!!

Tinypoppet said...

hey hon,

do you live on your own? Is there any way people could bring you some food round that you could keep nearby? I used to store packets of crisps and babybells and things in a box under my bed! So I could snack throughout the day without moving.

Sounds like you're doing an awesome job on the supplements. I'm not going to the funeral for the same reasons.

big hugs xx