Friday, 19 December 2008

I feel so good

I feel really good today my chest is not tight i'm not wheezy i can actually get up and walk around yes i get breathless but not as bad as it has been and haven't had that awful pain since my picc line was removed so i am hoping that was the cause to alot of things and was just possibly sitting on a nerve or somthing. The thing with my picc line is it never sat in the top of the aorta like it was supposed to it wouldn't go any further then my shoulder as i have a thin vein due to where i had a car accident and the port i had at the time had broke in my neck so now that vein is buggered so won't be having any lines put up there again.

The next time i need one i am going to get it put in the left side and hopefully it can go all the way where it should sit. Last night i had a bath as normal and sat in the bath and waitied for the pain to come on but it never did. I kept forgetting that i could get my arm wet again and kept leaning it on the side of the bath i then realised what i was doing and stuck it right in the water lol it felt really weird as it's not got wet since feb lol. I did my hypertonic saline last night and was shocked cos i hadn't coughed alot up i thought wow that makes a change even with physio i hardly coughed anything up i was chuffed lol. My mum was a bit shocked yesterday as i ran down the stairs i was doing it to see if the pain would come on but it didn't. I have been moving around quickly just to see if it has gone and so far i have had nothing so really really hoping it's gone and that i can start walking around again and doing housework abit more cos i hate sitting around and not being able to do anything it sucks. I'll still use my wheelchair when i have infections and go somewhere that involves lot's of walking. But i'm hoping i stay well for a while so i can get some weight on. and enjoy christmas this year. xx


Me said...

glad you seem to got to the bottom of the pain! I love it when I clean my arm after 2 weeks of having a nedle in my port so can't imagine what 10 months feels like!!

Jo said...

lol it's very weird cos i was so used to not getting it wet and keeping it out the bath so everytime at the moment i think oh god my arm no it's wet then realise there's no picc line there lol i'll get used to it again.

Tori said...

That's great you sound so cheery!!!