Saturday, 27 September 2008

bad night and bad day

I had a awful night last night I had my mereopnuem and then had my gentamicin I then started to feel very sick and was trying so hard not to vomit. But unfortunately i couldn't help it and vomitted i felt even worse after. When my gentamicin had finished i decided to go to bed i slept pretty well but did keep waking every few hours. I woke up at half 6 and felt sick again so sat in the bathroom for a little while but luckily i didn't vomit. I then decided to go get my meds and a milkshake as i really wanted to keep eating but thought i'd give my tumy a rest and just have a fortisip which managed to stay down. I also found some sickness tablets. I did my iv's then decided to have another sleep as was feeling tired still. I woke up again about half 9 as the cat was meowing I felt so drained that i didn't want to get up so i banged on my brothers wall and asked hi to let the cat out which he did. I then fell back to sleep and woke again at 12ish. I was feeling hungry so went to get some thing to eat and decided to make a cappucino aswell as i alwasy have a bit more energy after one. as i was boiling the kettle i started to feel the familar pain in my right shoulder and then started to think oh no here we go so i went into the living room and sat down on the sofa the pain was going slighty So i decided to carry on making my cappucino but the pain had come back and was getting worse so i sat on the kitchen floor my dog kept coming over and trying to get my atention bless him. I thought i had it under control by taking deep breaths but then the pain started to move down my arm and chest and then i knew i couldn't stop it then i started burning up and sweat was dripping off of me i decided the only way to try and stay consicous was to lay on the kitchen floor after about 10mins i was starting to feel it fading it took me another 10 mins to get up off the floor. I continued doing what i had been doing the i went back upto bed. i did my 2 o clcok iv's then watched some tv downstairs and decided not to move as the pain ket coming back everytime i did something it seems to be ok now but am just taking it easy. I really wish someone knew what the hell it was cos it's so scary when it happens and it's so unpredictable for hen it's going to come on and the fact that i have no control over it when it does come. anyway am going to watch a bit of tv before my 10 o clock iv's hopefully i'll feel ok with these ones x

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