Wednesday, 16 July 2008

pig out!

Well today has been a pretty boring 1 not really done much. Had such a bad nights sleep last night so was feeling bit grouchy this morning but am better after a afternoon nap. Also got woekn by my neighbour hammering at 8am! ARGH! i mainly just relaxed and pigged out was going to do the housework but my brother decided to do it instead which is pretty good of him seeing as i've done it all week so far obviously he does a more decent job then me cos he can hoover and mop the floors whereas i unfortunately can't at this time But that will change in time :)

Had doctors this afternoon which my best mate was nice and took me 2 i was kinda nervous as it was a doctor i hadn't seen before cos my regular doctor was on leave . The doctor was a nightmare he was asking me what i take all these certain medications for. I then said i get alot of chet infections and he was like why's that? I said cos i have cystic Fibrosis no offence ment but do the doctors not read patients notes before they see them? anyway he was a bit shocked by it but gave me all the stuff i needed :)
will go back next week and see my normal doctor. Also have clinic tomoz which i'm a little nervous about hopefully i've gained alot of weight to keep them happy although i look fatter well i think so anyway my hip bones have started to dissappear again. And my clothes are getting tighter again. i love gaining weight always makes me feel good it's all thanks to wonderful megace that i take that makes me eat like a horse hehe. Things are going well for my dad to he started his new job on monday at mr clutch which is motor industry which is what he did for years until he quit and worked for tesco's who treat there staff like POO! but hey he's back to what he knows and loves and he's happy which makes me feel very proud and happy for him :)

Anyway think it's time for a nice cup of tea and chill kinda full up from my mcdonalds hehe i had cheeseburger, 6 chicken nuggets, chips, chocolate shake and a apple pie may not sounds much but it's a ood amount for me anyway will write again tomoz let peeps know how my wonderful day at clinic went bye for now mwah! x

1 comment:

Me said...

hey, hope im not been nosey or stupid but how come you had to see a non-cf doctor? and how come you see them every week?